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Creative Connections | David Alexander

Interview with my entrepreneur and creative friend, David

Interview with an Entrepreneur & Local Creative

A fellow creative friend of mine, David, started a podcast with his twin brother Daniel about culture, creativity, and business. David is a dancer, creative manager, entrepreneur, and poet to name a few. We recently met up for a photoshoot and chatted about our creative endeavors and how we can continue to pursue them and grow in our work.

David is someone who has the passion and drive to go after what he wants and he inspires me to do the same. I'm so happy to have met him and feel lucky to get to know someone as passionate and caring as he is in what he does. I'm so excited to hear more of the podcasts he's been creating along with his brother and can't wait to see where he's headed in the future.

Interview with my entrepreneur and creative friend, David

Q: How do you think being in St. Louis has impacted your sense of community and making connections?

David: St. Louis is home. I have had rich relationships here for many many years. It’s definitely allowed me to have a good launching pad. I live in a loft with hundreds of artists and have access to a dance studio, recording rooms, and monthly connection events. It's really unique and I'm thankful for having everything I need at my finger tips.

Q: So what is Social Origin about?

David: Social Origin is about inspiring people to dream bigger and do good. We’re working to create a unique podcast experience that has a heart to dive deep with every guest to learn their story and support in any ways we can.

Q: What inspired you to start Social Origin?

David: My twin brother Daniel Alexander moved to Australia and we realized we both were meeting amazing leaders running incredible organizations, from startups to some multi billion dollar corporations. Our focus is the intersection of culture, creativity, and business. We look for leaders that make a jump from studying art to launching a coding company as an example.

nterview with my entrepreneur and creative friend, David

Q: How did Daniel end up in Australia and how do you make the podcast work when you're so far apart?

David: Daniel is an amazing artist and went to Australia to study music and songwriting at a place called Hillsong. He fell in love and now calls Melbourne home. He is a community manager for an organization called Waterman. They house hundreds of startups and innovative organizations. We make the podcast work by both separately interviewing leaders and then commenting on them through Zoom calls where we download the audio.

Q: What is your favorite podcast so far?

David: I have an interview with Mark Thom, the CEO of MiTek that is a favorite soon to be released. Mark works under the leadership of Warren Buffet and his insights are fascinating. He studied English and is a personal friend and mentor that I was thankful to interview actually when Daniel was visiting the U.S. for the first time in 5 years. This makes it all the more special since it’s the only interview we’ve both been in the same room for.

Interview with my entrepreneur and creative friend, David

Q: What does the future of Social Origin look like?

David: We want to continue to deep dive in with our guests and audience. A lot in the works still yet and some things to be determined. Daniel and I have a huge heart for people and community so we do have some ideas around supporting charities we’ll be exploring in the future.

Make sure to check out this incredible project by my friend to find some creative inspiration and meaningful stories from people across the world.

You can listen to Social Origin on their website here

And check them out on Instagram and Facebook

Interview with my entrepreneur and creative friend, David

x maddie



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